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Using Altmetrics for academic promotions

Using Altmetrics for academic promotions Online

Altmetric Explorer is a database that collects relevant discussions around each piece of published research. Join Liz Smee, Product Solutions Manager (Altmetric and Dimensions) as she demonstrates how to use alternative metrics to find: 

  • Suitable metrics for academic promotions
  • How your research has been shared, discussed online, or mentioned on social media (measuring engagement)
  • Collaboration metrics

Enquiries: Maureen O'Brien

Related LibGuide: Metrics for Grant Applications and Promotions by The Library

Friday, August 9, 2024
10:30am - 11:30am
Time Zone:
Sydney, Melbourne (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Academics & researchers     Western staff  
  Research & Metrics Skills  
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Time Zone: Sydney, Melbourne (change)

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